Mindful Path

All Online Courses will be available soon on a Robust New Platform.


2024-25 Retreat List Coming Soon!


Mindful Retreats are retreats to ancient sites around the world. Exploring history, discussing philosophy and performing our daily practices. Retreats are 7-10 days and cost $2000-3500 depending on location.

2024-25 Retreat List Coming Soon!


Mindful Retreats are retreats to ancient sites around the world. Exploring history, discussing philosophy and performing our daily practices. Retreats are 7-10 days and cost $2000-3500 depending on location.

2024-25 Retreat List Coming Soon!


Mindful Retreats are retreats to ancient sites around the world. Exploring history, discussing philosophy and performing our daily practices. Retreats are 7-10 days and cost $2000-3500 depending on location.


Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and grow
our community.